Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Simple Effective Workout for Fat Loss

 There is a lot of information on the internet and in magazines that can make your head spin on what is the right way or wrong way to lose that unwanted fat around your midsection.  First off when it comes to fat loss nutrition is key.  Here is a simple rule I follow and that is “if I can’t kill it or grow it I don’t eat it”.  Make sure every meal you eat has protein, fat, vegetables, and sometimes carbs in it.  Look into a hiring a nutritional expert if you need more help or experiment on your own by simply eliminating certain foods from your diet.  If you feel better after eliminating a certain food chances are that food you eliminated was causing inflammation in your body.  So this would be a food you would highly want to avoid. 

Now when it comes to training and fat loss you must first look at the way you train now or lack of training for some people.  If you constantly do long slow cardio and lift light weights like most people then the only way you are going to experience any changes in your appearance is by implementing some anaerobic training and strength training into your workout.  So things like sprints, weightlifting, and intervals.  Vice versa if you are a crossfit athlete always doing high intensity workouts then you need to implement some long slow cardio in your routine.  You see once your body adapts to a certain training stimulus your fat loss results will diminish.  The only way to keep getting results is to add more volume and then set yourself up for a potential injury, and major crash and burn.  Or you can take the intelligent approach and do something on the other end of the spectrum to give your training a balanced approached and which also will be better on your heart and help you live longer as well. 

Most people are cardio junkies so they will benefit more by incorporating some high intensity interval training into their routine.  Dan John has created a simple yet very effective workout he calls the “Humane Burpee” and you only need just one kettlebell.  It involves just three exercises which are the Swing, Goblet Squat, and Push Up.  I have come up with my own version of this and added rows into the equation so that all the basic movements are covered.  I have created two different versions for you to try one is based on reps and the other time.

Fat Loss Workout Version 1: 
Round 1                                                                        Round 2
Swings 20 reps                                                             Swings 20 reps
Goblet Squats 5 reps                                                    Goblet Squats 10 reps                   
Push Ups 5 reps                                                            Push Ups 10 reps
Rows 5 reps each side                                                  Rows 10 reps each side                                                
After round 1 go right into round 2 and then back to round 1 and so on.  Keep repeating this pattern for a total of 15 minutes.  Try and see how many rounds you can get in 15 minutes using good form, no failing around bad reps here.  Rest as needed but keep it short as possible as your goal is to be constantly moving as fast and efficient as you can.  You only have 15 minutes so put the work in and go hard for that time.  Then be on your way to take on the rest of your of day.

Fat Loss Workout Version 2:
Round 1                                                                             Round 2
Swings 15 sec                                                                    Swings 30 sec
Rest 15 sec                                                                         Rest 30 sec
Goblet Squats 15 sec                                                         Goblet squats 30 sec
Rest 15 sec                                                                         Rest 30 sec
Push Ups 15 sec                                                                 Push Ups 30 sec
Rest 15 sec                                                                         Rest 30 sec
Rows 15 sec each side                                                       Rows 30 sec each side
Rest 15 sec                                                                         Rest 30 sec

Follow the sequence as prescribed perform an exercise for 15 seconds and then resting for 15 seconds.  At the end of round 1 go immediately into round 2 and then once you are done with round 2 go right back to round 1 and continue going back and forth between rounds 1 and 2.  Round 1 and 2 together equals 1 set.  To start off perform 3 sets in a row and work your way up to completing 6 sets.  For the rows do one side first then the other with no rest in between.  Count your reps on the first set and try to keep hitting that number of reps throughout the entire workout.  Whether your reps go above or below is fine just try and stay within a rep or two of the first set.  On your last set try to beat your starting rep number. 

So there you have it two simple yet very effective workouts for strength, fat loss, and conditioning in minimal time.  Go ahead give them a try and you will be feeling great afterwards.  I would at least try to do this once or two times a week and in no time you should start to notice some changes in your body.  For an advanced version use you could use two kettlebells instead of one.

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